Heavy Clay
Filling Lines
Perlite filling lines
SABO has developed its own system for the perlite filling after rigorous tests and prototyping. The line can produce up to 800 blocks per hour of size 500x250x250. We can assist you in providing all necessary information for the feasibility and the costing of the new products.
Moreover, through our laboratory we can calculate the properties of the new thermoblocks based on the filling material properties, clay properties and die format. We can perform further filling tests on your actual blocks in our premises with a machine available for tests.

Mineral wool filling
We can provide complete automatic lines for the filling of thermoblocks with mineral wool blanket. Usual capacity ranges from 900 to 1100 blocks per hour. They start from the feeding of the blanket and include the cutting, handling, programming and the inserting of the blanket on the block. We can also handle projects for upgrading and optimizing of existing lines for infilled blocks.
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) filling
SABO is supplying lines for the handling of expanded-polystyrene-filled blocks. We cooperate with companies that are specialized in the expansion of polystyrene so to appropriately incorporate them in our lines.