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Cerpol Brick Factory in Poland by SABO

During the first quarter of 2023, SABO delivered valuable modifications in the plant of Cerpol in Kozlowice in Poland.

The upgrade involved a new robotic setting machine, an improvement in the handling of the packaging, and the modernization of existing equipment for the kiln car handling. These points have been identified to be bottlenecks in the current production process that were slowing down the factory and creating unnecessary stops.

A modern, simple, and flexible robotic setting machine was installed to replace the old-style setting line that was using outdated conventional grippers. The setting machine was designed to set the full range of thermal-insulating blocks that the factory is producing, A robot is unloading the drying frames and feeds the programming bench that creates the necessary layers of the pack. Blocks can be set flat or vertically on the car allowing the ideal firing in the kiln. A second robot is then setting the dry products on the kiln car. The new setting machine is quite flexible and parametric in its operation giving the operator a full range of options, ranging from the usual normal operations necessary to handle and supervise the machine up to more advanced functions like adjusting the pack position with the use of offsets, easily introducing new similar products in the machine and many other.

Similarly, an old gripper has been replaced with a packaging robot at the existing unsetting machine. The new robot has a double function. In its main function, it is used to set the final product on the pallet. As a secondary function, it can feed the existing grinding line. Finally, there were improvements in the speed and position adjustment of the existing transfer car that is feeding the setting machine by installing new electronic equipment and sensors and upgrading the existing hydraulic units.

In close cooperation and with the valuable support of our customer, the project was planned carefully and in detail so that the installation to be completed in a very short time. All machines have been tested thoroughly in SABO with real products before being dispatched and the final commissioning has run smoothly without surprises, on time, and to the satisfaction of our customers.


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