We are very happy to announce that the target of 2022 has been attained increased by 36%!
Now, we are proudly celebrating the advent of 2023 with a contract for Pre-Docking Inspections of six vessels 11S90ME-C engines and two dockings of MAN B&W ME-C & ME-B engines (6S60ME-C & 6S50ME-B), kicking off within January 2023.

With our customers’ needs always in the center of attention, we are also commencing the operation of our Nireus Performance Platform, available either for in-house performance evaluation directly from the shipping company by acquiring the access to the platform or as a provided service by SABO.
Nireus software is an online web-app that is giving a clear performance evaluation feedback & tips for the Main Engine Performance records (MAN B&W, Sulzer, Wartsila & WinGD). It enables the operator to create & manage its fleets, upload and store the shop-tests of their vessels online and feed the system with new performance records for evaluation.
Always rely on the best partner!