Our POWER & AUTOMATION sector undertook the complete Electrical Installation & Automation of the new Marble dust Production Line for Dionyssomarble SA, the leading company in marble production, processing, and trade!
Our engineers carried out the study, design, manufacture & installation of the following equipment:
• Medium Voltage Substation (Kiosk) 1250kVA.
• LV Switchgear Room (Kiosk).
• LV Main Distribution Panel 2000Α.
• Motor Control & Automation Panel for the new marble dust line.
Additionally, the following works were carried out:
• Connection to the factory’s internal MV overhead network to feed the new MV Substation.
• Cable trays and power & control cables installation, to connect the equipment with the new electrical panels.

Also, modern PLC & SCADA programs were installed to operate and control the new line!
The established SAT- Site Acceptance Tests were carried out at our customer's premises and the line was delivered in full operation.
At SABO SA, we serve all power & automation needs in various industrial sectors such as marble, food & beverage, metals, aluminum, chemical industries!