In the context of our company's active presence in important events related to the shipping industry, it was a great pleasure that the CEO of SABO S.A. together with the management team of SABO Marine Services participated in the 7th Maritime Conference entitled "The big dilemmas" organized by the Naftemporiki on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 in Piraeus.

Over the years, this institution has consistently discussed the main issues that concern the maritime community under the influence of international developments, the energy crisis and technological challenges, and issues that pose important dilemmas at the level of decision-making.
During the conference, prominent executives of the shipping market, representatives of institutions from Greece and abroad, and shipping opinion makers discussed the following key matters concerning the economic and environmental sustainability of the shipping companies and the industry in general:
The growing role of ESG in shipping.
Decarbonization regulations: the 'invisible' line between achievable and unachievable targets.
Alternative marine fuels & energy sources and related challenges and prospects for net zero shipping.
The upcoming entry of shipping into the European Emissions Trading System and the latest developments regarding the need for a global flat tax system to be adopted by the IMO.
Education and lifelong training of seafarers in the era of digitization and new environmental regulations.
The necessary guarantees for Greece to remain the leading shipping country in the world.
Importance of strengthening domestic maritime activities: ship services, flag & classification society.
It was a particularly interesting experience that the participants shared with the rest of the group.