Just before SABO Marine turns two years old, our solid establishment in the shipping community is being manifested once again with the assignment of four back-to-back Main Engine Dry-Dockings.
The first one started on the 19th of April in Szczecin, Poland on a MAN B&W 6S50ME-C8.2, then our team flies to Syros, Greece for a ΜΑΝ B&W 6S50ME-B9.3 and finally, the service tour ends on about the end of May with 2 x MAN B&W 6S&70ME-C8.1 in Tuzla, Turkey. All the main engines are going to be commissioned duly balanced and with the complete ECS calibrated.
We are very happy to announce the readiness of two independent Dry-Dock Service Teams, thus we can assist our customers more efficiently and on multiplicity!
Concerning the job, we move forward.
SABO, rely on the best partner!